My mother

Strolling back home

With my back pack and smiles drawn on my face

My hands swinging in fluky motion

And jumps and hops with my feet down the road
I took a long pause for what i saw

My home, my world, my mum

All gone!

My smiling face now drawn in dismay
In deep nostalgia i grieve and hope to have you again

I’m only 10 to be my own mother and friend

You were my sunrise you were my blessing
My soul yearns for your deeds again

The kisses before bed time

The lullabies sung

The warmth of your embrace

I want it all back
So i sit on this prosaic ground

Reminiscing my sheepish smile

The smile that limns your love for me

I want you back

31 thoughts on “My mother

  1. ๑•ิ.•ั๑
    O poema é triste mas muito lindo também, e reflete as mudanças constantes em nossas vidas cheias de momentos, mas o que não muda nunca são nossas esperanças.
    Que hoje nossos corações se encham de gratidão pelas bençãos que Deus nos oferece.
    Beijos de chocolate e muito mais amor e paz! ◕‿-。

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sim, planejei intencionalmente tornar este poema um trágico. Obrigado por você, comentário e tempo gasto na leitura do meu poema.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hi Ken, what a moving poem you have written!

    I would like to clarify whether it is your own mother that is being referred to in your poem, or a symbolic motherly figure cast as the central character in the poem.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Lol thank you very much. I wrote the poem out of thoughts. The poem is to portray a picture about everything a mother could be to us, a friend, the whole world and an irreplaceable blessing.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. It’s great having a mother. Mothers are gold indeed! Thanks for writing a tribute to a very good mother.

    Liked by 2 people

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